Privacy Policy

At, we prioritize the security of our customers’ data. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle the personal information you provide to us.

By registering on, you consent to the processing of your personal data by’s administration, employees, contractors, partners, and associated third parties, as required for delivering services outlined in the Public Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the «Public Agreement»).

1. Terms and Definitions

1.1. Personal Data: Includes information from your social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook), as well as Google and GitHub accounts, such as your name, phone number, email, employment details, and more, along with any additional data you provide during registration.

1.2. Data Subject: An individual who provides personal data for processing or whose consent to data processing is implied under clause 11.2 of this policy.

1.3. Processing of Personal Data: Includes collection, registration, storage, modification, usage, distribution, and destruction of personal data, whether automated or manual.

1.4. Data Manager: An individual or entity authorized to process personal data on behalf of the Site Administration, including employees and contractors.

1.5. Website: Refers to the set of web pages hosted at

1.6. Other terms are defined as per the Public Agreement and the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection.

2. Purpose of Data Processing

2.1. Your personal data is processed to ensure proper service provision under the Public Agreement.

3. Rights of Data Subjects

3.1. As a data subject, you have the right to:

  1. Know the sources, purpose, and location of your personal data.
  2. Access and request updates or deletion of your personal data.
  3. Object to or restrict the processing of your data.
  4. Withdraw your consent to data processing.
  5. Be informed about automatic data processing mechanisms.
  6. Take legal action if your rights under data protection laws are violated.

4. Collection of Personal Data

4.1. During registration, we collect the necessary personal data to provide our services. Additional data may be requested if needed, with your consent.

4.2. Automatically collected information, such as IP addresses and browser details, may be logged when you access the site.

4.3. Data shared with partner sites may be processed according to this Privacy Policy to provide services effectively.

5. Data Retention

5.1. Your personal data is stored until you withdraw your consent.

5.2. To withdraw consent, submit a written request to the Site Administration.

6. Data Sharing

6.1. Your personal data may be shared with third parties under limited circumstances, such as:

  1. With job seekers interested in specific positions.
  2. For fulfilling the Public Agreement.
  3. To comply with legal requirements or prevent fraudulent activities.

7. Data Protection

7.1. We implement all necessary measures, including encryption and access controls, to protect your personal data from unauthorized access or misuse.

8. Access and Updating Personal Data

8.1. You can access and request corrections or deletion of your personal data unless legal or business reasons require retention. Identity verification may be required for such requests.

9. Cookies

9.1. We use cookies to gather anonymous usage statistics to improve the site. You may disable cookies, but some features may not function correctly.

9.4. Visit for more information on managing cookies.

10. Data Disclosure

10.1. Personal data may be shared with employees, contractors, and partners, both within Ukraine and internationally, as needed for service provision.

11. Limitation of Liability

11.1. While we take commercially reasonable measures to secure your data, we cannot guarantee complete protection against unauthorized access.

11.2. Referrers are responsible for obtaining consent from individuals they refer.

12. Deleting Your Data

12.1. You can request the deletion of your personal data through the settings page at

13. Other Provisions

13.1. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy. Changes take effect upon publication on the Website.

13.2. Data may be processed on servers within or outside Ukraine.